I’m going to put tiny Docker tips here.
Here is the first one. Use docker images
to get the information you actually want. Reverse sorted by size so you can clean it up.
docker images | sort --human-numeric-sort -k 7
Here is some truncated sample output
<juser1@laptop1:~>(home laptop)
zsh/2 69315 % docker images | sort --human-numeric-sort -k 7
busybox latest e02e811dd08f 4 years ago 1.09MB
quay.io/prometheus/busybox latest 747e1d7f6665 3 years ago 2.59MB
alpine 3.6 76da55c8019d 3 years ago 3.97MB
alpine 3.5 4a415e366388 3 years ago 3.99MB
alpine 3.7 e21c333399e0 3 years ago 4.14MB
alpine edge 5c4fa780951b 2 years ago 4.15MB
alpine <none> 3fd9065eaf02 2 years ago 4.15MB
alpine 3.8 11cd0b38bc3c 2 years ago 4.41MB
byrnedo/alpine-curl latest 549652d9246e 3 years ago 5.35MB
<none> <none> 8027707d7b33 18 hours ago 840MB
justinhop/brave 2020-12-06 b89c27bfdb18 3 weeks ago 846MB
justinhop/brave latest b89c27bfdb18 3 weeks ago 846MB
justinhop/synfig 2020-12-07 b3f261d67bcb 3 weeks ago 846MB
justinhop/synfig latest b3f261d67bcb 3 weeks ago 846MB
Clean up unnamed and hanging docker processes and images. You should really use the --rm
flag to docker run
docker ps -a |grep Exited | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -r docker rm
docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)
I run the commands above through cron daily, to keep my file systems from filling up.